Capoeira after-school activity group celebrated their ‘Grande Roda’

Our Capoeira after-school activity group celebrated their term’s accomplishments with a ‘Grande Roda’ on Saturday, 29th November, 2014.

EIS’s Capoeira ‘family’

It was a joyful afternoon of movement, music, ‘malicia’ (trickery) and more for all ages.

Andrea and Neyna start their game with the ‘ponte’

Association Capoeira Benin has a full programme in store for our capoeirsts  in 2015, as they look forward to the upcoming ‘batizado’ (receiving and changing of cords).

Lara’s ‘meia lua de frente’ and Rein’s ‘esquiva lateral’

New students are always welcome to join…

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Year 4 and 5 put their creative skills to work on items that would normally just be thrown away.

The school handed over the 209,000F CFA which had been raised by various student activities.

We met new capoeirists and they taught us some skills before going to the Batizado.

On 20th May, Year 8 and 9 students visited the Sainte Rita Orphanage.