Capoeira after-school activity group celebrated their ‘Grande Roda’

Our Capoeira after-school activity group celebrated their term’s accomplishments with a ‘Grande Roda’ on Saturday, 29th November, 2014.

EIS’s Capoeira ‘family’

It was a joyful afternoon of movement, music, ‘malicia’ (trickery) and more for all ages.

Andrea and Neyna start their game with the ‘ponte’

Association Capoeira Benin has a full programme in store for our capoeirsts  in 2015, as they look forward to the upcoming ‘batizado’ (receiving and changing of cords).

Lara’s ‘meia lua de frente’ and Rein’s ‘esquiva lateral’

New students are always welcome to join…

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Year 6 had the opportunity to learn more about recycling and repurposing from the "Recycling Queen."

Studies reveal that children who spend time with grandparents, or the elderly in general, gain wisdom and patience. The Year 5 French class happily write about their interaction with the grandmother of classmate, Alice Mathieu.

Year Five children reflect on the meaning of the fresco by Brazilian artist, Eduardo Kobra.

Years Three and Four make use of the postal system in Benin to send cards and letters to family and friends.

Year Two children get out and about in Cotonou and discover the city's agriculture, history and delicacies.