Capoeira after-school activity group celebrated their ‘Grande Roda’

Our Capoeira after-school activity group celebrated their term’s accomplishments with a ‘Grande Roda’ on Saturday, 29th November, 2014.

EIS’s Capoeira ‘family’

It was a joyful afternoon of movement, music, ‘malicia’ (trickery) and more for all ages.

Andrea and Neyna start their game with the ‘ponte’

Association Capoeira Benin has a full programme in store for our capoeirsts  in 2015, as they look forward to the upcoming ‘batizado’ (receiving and changing of cords).

Lara’s ‘meia lua de frente’ and Rein’s ‘esquiva lateral’

New students are always welcome to join…

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Pupils in the Science and Technology Fun Club enjoy discovering what can be made with simple household ingredients.

Alice Mathieu, Year 5, wins four gold medals and a cup in a swimming competition called Les Futurs Champions.

Year Five pupils set off to Grands Moulins du Bénin to see how this industry in Cotonou produces 250 tonnes of flour per day from imported wheat.

Years 3 and 4 took full advantage of an opportunity to 'go back to nature' by visiting a farm in Calavi.

Year 6 and 7 went on a field trip to a seashore where young turtles were taken care of.