Dhakshin RAJESH KUMAR in the India Book of Records

Year One pupil, Dhakshin RAJESH KUMAR, has been entered in the India Book of Records for his stellar achievement of identifying the maximum number of wild animals in one minute. E.I.S. is proud of Dhakshin, who readily shares his love of animals and animal stories with classmates and teachers.

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It was indeed an exciting, colourful, rhythmic and tasty cultural event!

Students from Years 10-12 have the possibility of joining this club which is run by Mrs. Ferdjani.

Community Service 2014 was held in four locations:  Mamma Mia Training Restaurant, Ecole “Les Lapins Bleus,” Clinique D’Imagérie Médicale SEZO and on our school field.

Read excerpts from four students’ reports.