Donation for Bras Ouverts-Open Arms School for migrant children

A small ceremony was held on the morning of 11th April in the Years 2 and 3 classroom to formally turn over the donation of School Fair proceeds to Ms. Kathleen Bush-Joseph of the Bras Ouverts-Open Arms School for migrant children in Ouidah. Ms. Bush-Joseph was happy to receive the donation from the hand of Charlie Ray (Year 3), and proceeded to explain to the class what a difference this gesture would make for the children in her school, as the rainy season was fast approaching. The laptop photos of the present state of the ceiling helped the children to better understand the work that would be needed to keep the rain from flooding the BOOA classroom. Years 2 and 3 look forward to returning to Ouidah to sing and play with the children in Bras Ouverts-Open Arms School in celebration of their newly repaired ceiling.

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Years 4 and 5 Celebrate Chinese New Year – The Year of the Monkey

Pondering this question, Year 9 students engaged in research and presented their findings. Year 9 have come to appreciate the importance of chemistry in their daily lives even more!

The students of the Middles School have made lovely model planets