The Easter Egg Hunt of Reception and Year 1

On Friday, 14th April, children in Reception and Year 1 embarked on an egg hunt.

The hard-boiled eggs were hidden in the sandpit at the playground on the school field. Before going out in search of the eggs, the children took time in class to draw maps which they believed would guide them to where the eggs had been hidden.


Next, the children put on their hats, picked up their baskets and set off to the field to find the eggs. It was a fun game for the children, as every egg was found with great excitement.

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Pupils in the Science and Technology Fun Club enjoy discovering what can be made with simple household ingredients.

Alice Mathieu, Year 5, wins four gold medals and a cup in a swimming competition called Les Futurs Champions.

Year Five pupils set off to Grands Moulins du Bénin to see how this industry in Cotonou produces 250 tonnes of flour per day from imported wheat.

Years 3 and 4 took full advantage of an opportunity to 'go back to nature' by visiting a farm in Calavi.

Year 6 and 7 went on a field trip to a seashore where young turtles were taken care of.