“Tell Me and I Forget; Teach Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Learn” - Benjamin Franklin

The EIS STEM Club made a model of the human respiratory system.


The purpose is to provide an environment for interactive student engagement, thus fostering learning and critical thinking.



Cardboard papers

Bendy straws


A pair of scissors

Scotch tape


  1. We drew the left and right lungs on a pink cardboard.

  2. We glued the lungs onto cardboard.

  3. We taped two bendy straws together to make the trachea and the bronchi.

  4. Next we inserted the bronchi in two balloons and taped them together.

  5. Lastly we glued the nose and the mouth at the appropriate places on the windpipe.

Our lungs are now ready to work!

As the pupils blew air into straw, they observed the balloon growing larger, and when they released it, they also observed the lungs getting smaller.

Pupils began to connect their models to how their own lungs work!


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