100 days of school!

100 Days of School = 100 Days Smarter!

100 toppings on a pizza

Reception and Year 1 celebrated 100 days of being in school on Wednesday, the 5th of March.  We prepared by counting and writing numbers up to 100, singing songs about the number 100, finding out what weighs 100 grams, stacking 100 cups in cool ways, and making great artwork that involved sticking 100 things!

100 flowers on a tree 100 fish in the sea

We came up with a poem to go along with our artwork:

100 toppings on a pizza

100 flowers on a tree

100 candles on a cake

100 fish in the sea!

Happy 100th Day of School!


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Two E.I.S. students were recognised as being ‘one of the highest calibre of entries this year’ in the Immerse Education Essay Competition.

Two new after-school activities are encouraging young and older children to explore the five senses, develop their imagination, sprout logic thinking skills and more.

Several EIS classes participated in the National Geographic Project Exploration webinar on Global Citizenship.

Year One pupil, Dhakshin RAJESH KUMAR, has been entered in the India Book of Records

The most important lesson we learned this year was the value of Interdependence; hence, it became the theme of our 2020 - 2021 Yearbook.