'Where Does Our Packaging Go?' Reusing Plastics

We watched videos of how inappropriate disposal of plastics affects our environment as well as causes the deaths of several birds and sea creatures. We also watched videos of ways to reuse, recycle and reduce plastic wastes.
We all decided to make a giraffe flower pot!
First we hunted for used plastic bottles around us.
Next we drew a giraffe in our Global Perspectives activity book.
Once we gathered enough plastic bottles, we started this fun activity.
It took us about 4weeks to complete the project!
Getting a suitable glue for plastic to plastic was not easy, so it was repeated several times to ensure the various parts would stick together.
Reflection - This lesson affected the lives of Year 2 pupils in different ways:
Eva: Whenever I see plastic or used masks lying around, I think of an animal getting tangled with it. I try to dispose of it properly and then wash my hands. I also told my friends the most appropriate ways of disposing of their used masks.
Priyanshi: Anytime I see plastic , I ask myself "What can I make out of this?"
Michael: Used plastic water bottles in my home are packed for someone who comes to collect and reuse them. We do not throw away plastics.
Yohaan: I always reuse plastic water bottles in my home.
Aboubacar: Reusing my used plastic is my way of saving the lives of other animals.
Keren: I always say to myself, "This can be used again".
Wassim: Anytime I go to the beach with my parents and I see plastic, I quickly pick it up knowing it might be swallowed by birds or sea creatures.
Jaida: I no longer throw away used plastics because I know it will end up in the sea. Instead I make something interesting and fun out of it.

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We began in late March, stepping from 'stone to stone across the morass.' Thank you, teachers, parents and students for walking hand in hand to reach the other side.

EIS answers 'a call for solidarity' and presents a donation to the school, ECOLOJAH / École Endogénie Jardin de la Fraternité, which has been in the process of rebuilding after having been destroyed by an accidental fire in April 2019.

Amir Moutaib from Year 3 helps us to understand.

Thoughts of the tall trees which give shade on the school field inspire Years 3 and 4 to produce lovely artwork.

Years 8 and 9 students were given the task of conducting an experiment using common household products.