Year 3 children visit the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

Ahmad Jebeili, Year 3

Today we went to IITA. It was wide, nice, but too hot. The scientist looked kind and concentrated on everything he was doing. The insect collection was awesome, and we saw many of them. I felt amazed by everything. I saw that there were beetles, bugs, different flies, scorpions, butterflies, big spiders, cockroaches, grasshoppers and caterpillars. We saw a man putting something like a normal needle on the insects using the microscope. We also looked in a microscope and saw an insect. It was a nice bluish insect. All of this was done by Dr. Georg Goergen. It was our first field trip and it was so cool.

Ghadi El Hajj, Year 3

Today I went to a small lab and there was a tall man working with insects. The insects are eating the fruits and plants. So he collects them to do a lot of research about them. There were some big, nice butterflies, bugs, beetles and a long centipede. I was very happy to see such an amazing collection and I told my parents about it.

Moses Augustt, Year 3

IITA had a lot of green plants and lots of insects. Our guide looked old and had white hair. The insects we saw were colourful, especially the butterflies and ladybugs. We even saw scorpions, centipedes, bees, ants and grasshoppers. All these insects had six legs. We also learned that we can catch insects by using food or nets. Some insects are also attracted to light.

I was so happy to go on my first field trip. I felt scared of the insects, but I learned so much about them. I loved going with my friends and I told my mum and dad and my sister.

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