Year 6 welcomed fellow schoolmates into a world of chocolate

To round off their Chocolate Project, Year 6 prepared a day of fun learning and discovery, which included quizzes, debates, information, stories, recipes and tasting. The class took an interdisciplinary approach to delve into a ‘mouthwatering topic’ which involves agriculture, chemistry, geography, economics and culinary arts, among others.

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E.I.S. wishes everyone Happy Holidays with a message about the environment.

On the 22nd of March 2021, Year 2 pupils of The English International School joined the rest of the world to celebrate World Water Day with the 2021 theme, Valuing Water.

Andrea Melissa EL HAJJ, who after 11 years of practising the Afro-Brazilian martial art / dance at E.I.S., writes to us from Jacobs University where she has started her own Capoeira Club.

E.I.S. celebrated its array of cultures as students expressed joy in being part of a global community.