Years 2 and 3 on their trip to Erevan Supermarket

Years 2 and 3 strengthen their understanding of addition and subtraction facts and the use of money on their trip to Erevan Supermarket.

Years 2 and 3 with their shopping

I went to Erevan to buy some necklace candy.  I had 2000 fcfa.  They gave me 1000 fcfa back.  I enjoyed my trip with my classmates, Ms. Fatme, Mrs. Carsky and Mr. Collins.  These were my teachers who came.

-          Ella

At Erevan I got a candy necklace, cheese chips box and some juice.  I learned how to use money. The register woman gave me back 50 fcfa.  My partner was Ivan.  I had fun with my classmates…and my teachers…and everyone else had fun at Erevan!

-          Sampson 

I enjoyed my trip with my teacher and my classmates because I learned how to use money, and I also loved going in the car.

-          Tania

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Studies reveal that children who spend time with grandparents, or the elderly in general, gain wisdom and patience. The Year 5 French class happily write about their interaction with the grandmother of classmate, Alice Mathieu.

Year Five children reflect on the meaning of the fresco by Brazilian artist, Eduardo Kobra.

Years Three and Four make use of the postal system in Benin to send cards and letters to family and friends.

Year Two children get out and about in Cotonou and discover the city's agriculture, history and delicacies.

Pupils in the Science and Technology Fun Club enjoy discovering what can be made with simple household ingredients.