Years 4 and 5 visit UNICEF

Khadijah Sow, Year 5

On Wednesday 15th May 2024 years 4 and 5 went to United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF for a visit on our Global Perspectives topic on how the United Nations help the world on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

We left school around 15 minutes past 10:00. We were accompanied by four adults, Mrs. Magdalene, our class teacher, Mrs. Beatrice, our assistant teacher, Mr. Daga Jack, our music teacher and Mr. Julien, our bus driver. I sat next to Eva, Fenou and Mrs. Magdalene.

When we arrived, a few workers led us to a room where we presented ourselves. The staff of the ICT unit introduced themselves to us. One of them also gave us a brief history of UNICEF. She told us when UNICEF started. She also told us how UNICEF Benin has been helping children survive and meet their basic requirements such as quality education.

Later we began our tour of the offices. The building inside was as big as our entire school building. We went to different offices where we were received with a warm welcome by the staff in each office. Some offices were empty because the staff went for field work. The people we met educated us very well about their various jobs and how they work together to ensure that every child in Benin gets quality education. We visited the ICT Department, the Human Resources Department, the Logistic and Procurement Department, the Finance Department, the Transportation Department, The Operation Unit etc.

After the tour, we went back to the conference room, where they served us delicious snacks and juice. We later performed some of the songs we've been practicing. The songs include “Ode to Joy” by Beethoven, “Little Boxes” by Pete Seeger, “Greatest Love” by Whitney Houston and “All Because of You” by Zolani Mahola. The staff were thrilled by our performance.

I really enjoyed the field trip to UNICEF. It was quite interesting to learn that UNICEF actually helps to prevent young girls from getting married at an early age.


Yohaan Gajwani, Year 5

On 15th of May 2024 my class and I went to a place called UNICEF, where they help children.

We went to UNICEF with our school bus, and it took us less than 5 minutes to get there. When we got there it looked small, but when we went inside it was huge. The staff then took us to a room where we all started, and they presented themselves, but I really forgot their names. The staff grouped us into groups of two around the offices because we are too many.

They took us to small offices and the staff who work there told us what they do, like saving children from child labour and child abuse. It was really fun and interesting to listen to them.

When we were done with the tour, we went back to the room and ate snacks and drank juice, and it was delicious.

Later we sang our songs and the staff loved it. They applauded us all the way. After that, we took group pictures and went back to school.


Sumayya Mukhopadhyay, Year 4

We went to UNICEF, and it was interesting knowing about how they take care of children and mothers. I got to know the full meaning of UNICEF which is United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund. In Benin, UNICEF was established in 1977 It was originally established in 1946 after World War II.

They showed us lots of offices like the Finance, Supply and Logistics and Health office etc. I even heard that they were also following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We also learned how they help children with daily necessities like medicine, food and school supplies. They taught us nicely. We sang our songs.

Lastly, they served us delicious snacks like croissants and juice. I enjoyed the trip because they taught us so well that I still remember so many things they told us, and I learned so many things from UNICEF.

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