Marc-Alain Adjahi

After 13 years at E.I.S., I am now in the U.S. at Georgia Institute of Technology, commonly known as Georgia Tech University. My start at Georgia Tech is intense, despite the fact that I am only taking 12 credit hours this semester. I have come in with 4 credit hours of free electives from my A-Level Physics result; 2 hours (MATH1551) from my A-Level Maths result, 3 hours (ECON2100/2105/2106) from my A-Level Economics result, and 12 hours of Humanities and free electives from my A-Level French result! This has saved me a little over a semester of undergraduate studies if I follow the rate of 12 hours per semester.
Aside from academic studies, I am a member of 3 committees on the Student Government Association (SGA): Government Relations, Joint Finance, and Public Relations. I also have just finished pledgeship with my fraternity (Alpha Delta Chapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity) and have been initiated as a brother. I've joined the Pro Tennis Club to keep playing tennis, and, finally, I am currently in the process of chartering my own club at Georgia Tech (the Go Karting Club) which should be fully operational by the spring semester.
All of this to say that my transition has been reasonably smooth, although consuming, and I'm trying my best to get involved in the areas in which I can make a difference!
I hope all is well back home and that the EIS community is thriving.
Abissalão Almeida

I’m really enjoying law school. Maybe it’s a bit early to say this, but I’m finding myself here. All of the classes are quite interesting and I had excellent grades for the first semester.
This 2nd semester I became assistant of the professor of “formação social do Brasil.” The classes are mostly about history and sociology related to the country’s formation. The professor is an expert on African and Caribbean relations to the constitution, so we focus on the trans-Atlantic slave trade and how it has affected our present-day society. Most of my tasks are giving book references and correcting the essays of the students. (I can say that I value teachers even more after correcting 80 essays by myself.)
I also became part of a research group about human right within climate justice/ climate racism and the effect on native and traditional communities (indigenous groups and quilombos). We are doing a lot of research this semester and might publish something next semester. This work has made me think about becoming a scientist, doing research and writing articles.
Usually the students of IDP start working early in government offices and doing internships in places like tribunals and other parts of the administration and ministries. I already got a few offers but I’m focusing on studying and doing research at least for the next year.
Now going a bit into my social life, I became part of the Academic Life Committee. We organise activities with other universities like soccer matches and parties. This year we won’t be able to do much, however, because of the elections and the World Cup, but we will have a busy agenda for 2023.
I have made a lot of friends already, mostly with the senior students, and I’m building a good network. I like going to a few concerts, festivals and museums in my free time and I am also trying to take better care of my health. I often stay in school from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. because my reading load is never ending due to the research and the classes, which are very dense.
Elia Charbel Abboud, MD

The English International School carries a unique and very special place in my heart. It was my home for 8 years, where I spent some of the best and most memorable days of my young life - days that laid the foundations for my growth into the surgeon I have become today. My university and medical school years after my time in Cotonou were very successful, and after completing my General Surgery residency in New York City, I sub-specialized in Colorectal Surgery. I am forever thankful to the English International School for teaching me to be an organized, meticulous, motivated, and hard-working student, a good team player with the ability to work well under pressure - all essential qualities in the competitive world of medicine and surgery. I strongly recommend the school to all those seeking a bright and successful future!
Ishan Bhowmik

E.I.S. fondly remembers Ishan Bhowmik in his leading role in the Middle School production of Moliere's, Tartuffe (June 2015). He reports to us from India, where he continues to allow his thespian talents to shine:
"Moliere's 'Tartuffe' was the gateway to my acting skill. It is there that I discovered that I could act. Thanks to all the teachers and you, Dr. Carsky, for having given me the opportunity to hone my hidden talents. Hence, it's indeed my pleasure to feature in the EIS website; the school that I always miss. Need your blessings all the way."
Alyanna Medenilla, RN

Eleos Zannou

I attended the English International School for 11 years, from the age of 5 to 16. Apart from the academic knowledge I gained there, I also gained interpersonal and intercultural skills which have proven to be of invaluable use to me up till now. Thanks to the international environment at EIS, I am now always comfortable and confident in any international setting and am open to different ways of thinking about or doing things. I truly am grateful to EIS for providing a space where I could develop my various skills through academic studies and extracurricular activities. Simple skills such as knowing how to swim, dance and paint have made forming meaningful relationships with others much easier than it could have otherwise been and have gone a long way in building my confidence in myself.
A year after my graduation from EIS, I moved to Vaasa, Finland where I studied to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management. My area of concentration was Restaurant Management. Over the past six years, I have had the privilege of working in various restaurants and hotels in Finland as well as in Germany to gain experience and knowledge on how to provide excellent service to customers from all over the world.
I am presently working in the room styling department of the largest hotel operator in the Nordic countries, Scandic Hotels. With their headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, Scandic hotels serve all the Nordic countries and are also in a few other countries namely Germany, Belgium and Poland. My job is to work in a team to ensure that every customer has a comfortable time during their stay in regards to design and cleanliness of their rooms and the hotel itself.
Eleos Zannou, Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Francis Dayamba

Achraf Hage Ali

My name is Achraf Hage Ali. When I was a child, I went to EIS; the beginning of a wonderful adventure that stayed engraved in my mind. I left my dear school at Year 5, and joined back at Year 8. I successfully completed my Checkpoints, IGCSEs, and AS Levels. That is from Year 8 to Year 12. I then applied to AUB (American University of Beirut) and got accepted. I am currently a freshman student. My Major is Biology Pre-Med and I am completing my second semester as an AUB student.
EIS was and still is a major part of my heart and life. There, I discovered a new environment, a rich atmosphere, made most of my friends, and met wonderful people. I thank Mr. and Mrs. Collins, all my teachers, and the beautiful Mrs. Carsky for taking good care of me. I will never forget EIS, and still am in contact with my teachers and friends.
Julien Carsky

Since my beginnings at the English International School, I have fallen in love with the idea of a close-knit global community. ‘Close-knit’ quickly changed as I left EIS and enrolled at the University of Maryland – a large public research university of about 40,000 students overall. However, I feel as though I have learned the importance of networking with people from various backgrounds and cultures. I believe EIS has given me the drive to want to engage in social connections with the people around me – in order to establish my own global community.
As I slowly advance towards professionalism, as a pre-Law student, I look back at my unforgettable experiences at EIS, such as Community Service, with no doubt in my mind that they shaped me in the best way possible to tackle my goals.
Harouna Coulibaly

Vivek Verma

I am currently at the University of Exeter studying BSc in Business Economics. I plan on pursuing Investment Banking and I'm currently the Mutual Fund Manager for the BFS (Business and Finance Society) Mutual Fund 2016/2017 at the University of Exeter.
Amado Carsky

Clean water treatment and distribution, waste-water collection and treatment are often taken for granted when all is well. Miles of buried infrastructure, pipes, vaults, etc. are all in need of monitoring, maintenance and replacement. Big water and waste-water treatment plants need system upgrades for increased efficiency, capacity and environmental regulations. This industry needs innovative young minds to learn from and replace the knowledgeable workforce soon to retire.
I work for the eighth largest water/waste-water utility in the United States. It’s located in the state of Maryland, and serves two counties. Approximately 1.2 million people depend on consistent service. My job is to work with engineering design consultants and contractors to design and build facility upgrade projects for the utility. It is my responsibility to manage these engineering projects so that the utility can continue to meet its desired performance.
My job is only one role in the organization. So many different talents and skill sets are needed to staff a water utility, you don’t need to be an engineer to work for one. At the core is a mission to provide ratepayers with clean drinking water, and to protect the environment from the human presence on earth. If you’re looking for a meaningful career in an industry that won’t go out of style, you may choose to consider a job for a water/waste-water utility.
Amado Carsky, Graduate of University of Maryland (Civil Engineering)
Ousmane Thioune

Coming to EIS prepared me for college in the United States. When I came to EIS in Year 9, I had absolutely no English skills. As a 14-year- old boy, switching from the French system to the English system was my biggest challenge. I have interacted with teachers and classmates from all over the world, and being in that very diverse community was a great help. I thank all my teachers, but especially Mrs. Carsky, who always found time to assist me in developing my English. I graduated from EIS fluent in English, which allowed me to further my education in New York City. Now I’m going to Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology, majoring in Aeronautical Engineering.
Ousmane Thioune gives EIS an update on his progress

In 2011, I was enrolled into EIS in Year 9. I did not speak a word of English. Nonetheless, with the support and assistance of the teachers and the outstanding Mrs. Carsky, I was able to excel academically and acquire my AS Level in 2015. The diverse community that EIS offers, helped in the transition to university. In 2019, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering in New York City. Due to unforeseen circumstances (COVID-19), the search for employment was gruelling and lengthy. Nevertheless, I was resilient and turned my adversity into an advantage by using the available time to obtain my Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilot License. I am presently working for one of the leading Material Handling & Manufacturing Companies in South Florida as an Engineering Specialist.
I am thankful to all the faculty members at the school and I cherish every moment spent at EIS.
Doxa Zannou

My name is Doxa, and I was a student with E.I.S. since I was two years old. I graduated in 2015 after completing my IGCSEs and AS Level exams. I then went on to earn a B.A. in Psychology and English, Creative Writing from Eastern University, in PA. It is not the most famous school in the world, but I love to tell everyone who asks that social justice activist and lawyer, Bryan Stevenson, and I share the same alma mater!
I am now in my last semester of graduate school, and I hope to earn my Master’s of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counselling this upcoming May. I am a Master’s level clinical intern at a mental health center in downtown Chicago. Upon graduation, I plan to complete and hopefully pass my national licensing exam in counselling, so I can start working as a licensed therapist in the U.S.!
Without E.I.S., I would not be where I am today. I will forever be grateful for the teachers who were dedicated to my education and success, and who stood by me as I grew, matured and developed essential skills in writing, critical thinking, speaking, and learning.
Vaibhav Iyer

I studied at the English International School for 13 years, starting as a little one in the first year of primary school and growing into a young adult by the final year of high school. Some of my fondest childhood memories came from this microcosm of diverse backgrounds and unique perspectives. Growing up in this international environment allowed me to identify myself as a global citizen and to develop precious long-lasting friendships.
The school also provided me with the opportunity to attend the Cambridge University Summer School Programme, which enabled me to visualize a future in the UK. Currently, I am a first year student at the University of Nottingham studying Medicine MBBS with an integrated BMedSci degree in the third year of my course. Building on my experience with extracurricular activities in EIS, I have joined the A Cappella Society of my university and performed in our recent Christmas Concert.
Sitoa Carlos Toé

My name is Sitoa Carlos Toé and I am currently a student at the American University, in Washington D.C. Generally speaking, when students move from High-school to College, they do not always have a clear idea of what they want to study. This can make them really stressed or sometimes scared of University. Luckily for me, I already had an idea of what I wanted to study in college, which made it easier for me to find my path here. I am a student majoring in Statistics, minoring in Finance, and I have successfully completed all the classes I had to take so far.
In conclusion, I just want to let you all know that there are so many fields you can explore in university and that not knowing what you want to do from high-school is not a crime. You can definitely find your path once you get to college.
Brian Manglani

After graduating from EIS in 2015, I enrolled at Suffolk University to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. After graduating in May of 2019, I went on to pursue a Masters degree at Northeastern University in Environmental Science and Policy, with a concentration in urban planning. After getting this degree, I plan on working in environmental consulting for urban planning, with specific points of interest in coastal resiliency, shoreline development, green infrastructure and smart communities.
Adam Assou

The year has been hectic since the pandemic partially interrupted my first year of University till now (my first semester of my second year.) Nonetheless, I decided to major in Biology and minor in Environmental Studies. I intend to operate in a field where I can deal with public policy, administration and law in regard to our environment. I recently applied to an internship at the United Nations’ Climate Change Division for four to six months I’ll be working in C and E (communication and engagement). Apart from that, I’ve been in clubs like intramural soccer where I made my own team and competed in tournaments within the University. Additionally, I joined Wish-makers on Campus which is a club that helps kids with terminal illnesses (Make-A-Wish Kids) wishes come true. The club managed to raise thousands of dollars through events and fundraiser so that the children can meet their role models, go on trips, and experience things they never thought was possible.