About Us
We are a Cambridge International School which follows the Cambridge International Primary Programme and the Cambridge Secondary Programme. These are widely recognised and respected around the world. The school was founded using a framework that has grown from our aims and philosophy.
Aims of the English International School

- To create a happy, sensitive and responsive social climate which corresponds closely to a family atmosphere where children can respond in confidence and respect to each other and to the staff.
- To strive to nurture honesty, creativity, sensitivity and self-reliance so that our children grow to be responsible, self-regulating individuals, confident of their own worth and respectful to others.
- To enable children to develop their full potentialities. To allow students to experience cultural diversity and to develop a respect for the individuality of others.
- To create a community of caring students who seek happiness and fulfilment in their lives and who are able to achieve goals, which are of benefit to others and are in accord and harmony with the spirit, which drives them.
- To create a society of positive thinkers who value and wish to improve upon their own talents and help develop the talents of others.

The school consists of five buildings and is situated in Haie-Vive, a residential area in Cotonou, the commercial capital of the Republic of Benin.
Our school understands that IT is a useful tool for learning and it is for this reason that we provide the library in the Lower School with the capability for the youngest members of the school to work with programs which support their learning in verbal and reasoning skills. However, the emphasis of the school continues to be the relationship and interaction between student and teacher, as this is an essential part of learning and cannot be replaced by technology. Although we aim to prepare students to be benchmarked on a 21st century platform, we place high value on critical, constructive and creative thinking, for which information technology is no substitute. Most of our students are able to access computers or tablets at home but our school is a place where they can ask questions, share their thoughts and build concepts with others.
The classrooms are bright and air-conditioned, we have a playing field that is within a few minutes walk that is used for games lessons and mid - day break times and we use the pool at one of the nearby hotels for swimming lessons.
Text books recommended by CIE are provided by the school and are ordered from the UK. Exercise books and homework diaries are also provided by the school.